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Sold! Kawasaki Z1000

Discussion in 'Bike Related Items.' started by Garya, Jun 16, 2022.

  1. Garya

    Garya World Superbike +

    Hi again all
    As I now have a new steed I have 1 to many bikes
    Kawasaki Z1000 2005, Average to good condition
    New MOT
    New chain and sprockets and battery
    Red and needs a little subframe and engine casing touch up. Crap Kawasaki paint
    10600 miles and 2 previous
    I also have a pair of Beowolf end cans for it that will be sold separately
    I can whatapp some piccys

    Attached Files:

    Beelady and lammyR6 like this.
  2. Garya

    Garya World Superbike +

    Now Sold
    lammyR6 likes this.

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