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Well Impressed With Me Birthday Banner

Discussion in 'Main Forum' started by SuzuKeith, Dec 16, 2021.

  1. SuzuKeith

    SuzuKeith World Superbike +

    Tony likes this.
  2. lammyR6

    lammyR6 Moderator Staff Member Moderator + Site Supporter

    They are good. Always makes me smile. Hope you had a good birthday :cake2::cheers:
    Beelady likes this.
  3. Stars and Stripes

    Stars and Stripes Secret prototype + Site Supporter

    I hope you had a happy birthday Keith :cheers: :cake2::cake2:
    Beelady likes this.
  4. Beelady

    Beelady British Superbike +

    Hope it was a good one! xx

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