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What Made Me Smile today ...........................????

Discussion in 'Main Forum' started by Yoda, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. phil read

    phil read World Superbike +

    It was hardly peaceful there was too much laughing and giggling going on.
    Beelady, BlackHornet and lammyR6 like this.
  2. Beelady

    Beelady British Superbike +

    Phil Read to the rescue, again. After days, working up to the horror of lifting the Street Triple tank to work out where the Scottoiler connects, Phil suggested that the loose end of the pipe I found under the seat was more likely to be the breather. Which, of course, it is. What a relief! I hate having to lift the tank on that bike. Yet another lesson learnt. Thanks, Phil. x
    BlackHornet, Panel Man and lammyR6 like this.
  3. phil read

    phil read World Superbike +

    Normally my advice on A Triumph would be to sell it, but I think it would have been ignored.:hah:
    megawatt likes this.
  4. phil read

    phil read World Superbike +

    Just watched A DVD from the Lord of Lydden weekend very interesting it was too.:MC:
    Beelady, BlackHornet and lammyR6 like this.
  5. lammyR6

    lammyR6 Moderator Staff Member Moderator + Site Supporter

    Ooh didn't know there was one.
  6. phil read

    phil read World Superbike +

    We're having lunch at the Lord Whiskey cafe on Monday if your about, if not I'll pass it on to Emma for you to have look at.
    Beelady and lammyR6 like this.
  7. Beelady

    Beelady British Superbike +

    lammyR6 likes this.
  8. Beelady

    Beelady British Superbike +

    A blustery ride on the Kawasaki, over to Phil Read's place to have the oil changed and he kindly blew up the tyres for me too, as I keep meaning to fix my airline, but haven't yet got round to it.
    The wind was even worse on the way home, and it got to the point where it stopped being fun, but I got the bike back inside and was just locking the doors when the heavens opened. A short but very heavy downpour would have been most unpleasant. So pleased I got home at the perfect moment :)
  9. lammyR6

    lammyR6 Moderator Staff Member Moderator + Site Supporter

    Race entries have just opened :bounce:
    BlackHornet and Beelady like this.
  10. Roadwart

    Roadwart Administrator Staff Member Administrator +

    Being able to come all the way home from work in daylight which means the evening ride season is nearly upon us.
    Beelady, Eagle and BlackHornet like this.
  11. lammyR6

    lammyR6 Moderator Staff Member Moderator + Site Supporter

    Yesterday. Getting the heads back for track/race bike. Shiny shiny

    deano81, Eagle, Roadwart and 5 others like this.
  12. lammyR6

    lammyR6 Moderator Staff Member Moderator + Site Supporter

    After what seems months of the track/race bike being in bits and other people having my engine, my bike is finally running and nearly back together! :whoo:

    A massive thank you to Tom and Mikey for spending most of their weekend in the garage with me, giving both moral and practical support :hug2:. And thanks for not running away when I had a hissy fit or three :stomp::cry: :cautious:.

    Now to get the rest of it back together and hope it runs well for the trackday on Thursday! :thumbsup::D (Nothing like everything happening at the last minute! :eek:)
    Panel Man, Tomasbe, Fergy and 6 others like this.
  13. Beelady

    Beelady British Superbike +

    Back on the road again! The broken wrist has mended really fast and yesterday I got the Street Triple out for a frolic with my sister outlaw (we were in-laws for years, but following a divorce we had to have a title change) on her 900 Tracer.
    I'd already done a few miles on the ER5 but was saving the Striple as a special treat. How could I ever think of parting with this bike? It was soooo good to be back on it again. We had a great time playing and then on to the Airport café for a coffee where I remembered why I don't park on slopes and had to have a push to get it off the side stand, but apart from that a lovely ride. I was just putting the bike away when the first spots of rain started so perfect timing. Lovely!
    lammyR6, Eagle, Panel Man and 4 others like this.
  14. Eagle

    Eagle Custom cruiser +

    Picked up my bike yesterday after having new cans made. I now have the only Z1000sx in the world with John Campbell custom exhausts. I am sure more will follow, but for now she is unique and I have a very big smile on my face.

  15. phil read

    phil read World Superbike +

    Did you de cat it as well?
  16. BlackHornet

    BlackHornet Look before you turn Staff Member Moderator +

    picture then ?
  17. Eagle

    Eagle Custom cruiser +

    Cat is still there, didn't want a problem at MOT time. I will post a picture tomorrow, I keep getting a your file is too big message and being a computer dick rather than a computer nerd it will take some time to reduce the image and I am off to custom cafe shortly.
    BlackHornet likes this.
  18. Eagle

    Eagle Custom cruiser +

    IMAG1054.jpg IMAG1055.jpg

    Found a cheat to reduce them ​
    Roadwart, lammyR6, Beelady and 3 others like this.
  19. Stars and Stripes

    Stars and Stripes Secret prototype + Site Supporter

    They look really nice :tup:
    Eagle likes this.
  20. Beelady

    Beelady British Superbike +

    Just arrived home from the Rabbit Rally, put on by the Rother branch of the Triumph Owners club. What a lovely weekend! I packed everything possible, despite the rally site being only a few miles away, as I have a new, bigger tent for this year and I wanted to have a little practice run, fully loaded.
    After arriving just after lunch on Friday, I got my tent up alongside some friends from the Yorkshire and other up country clubs and then sat in a chair in the shade and watched everyone else arriving and putting up their tents. I've been drinking cider and meeting friends from all over the country. I've made a few new ones over the weekend and apart from lots of yummy food, drink, music and talking rubbish and looking at people's tents and bikes all I had to do was relax and enjoy myself. I gave the ride out a miss just this once and concentrated on more cider, which seemed a good plan at the time. I stuck to soft drinks for the evening as I wanted to leave on time on Sunday.
    It seemed funny, packing up after breakfast, saying my goodbyes (took over an hour!) and then just a few minutes ride home. Usually it's an all day ride back from a rally but it's nice to have the washing on and the tent airing, ready for the next one.
    Panel Man, Eagle, Roadwart and 2 others like this.

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