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witnessed an accident......

Discussion in 'Main Forum' started by Tiny, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. Tiny

    Tiny British Superbike

    I was driving out of Hastings tonight (about half 9), when i saw a car hit a bike. It was an 04 silver Honda pan European and the riders name is Brian, he is 57. We asked if there was anyone we could contact for him but he said there wasn't (felt really sorry for him) I don't know if anyone on here might know who he is. To make it worse the driver that hit him drove off, we got a partial plate and before we left the police told us they had got the driver, some 80+ year old!!!!! I have given Brian my contact details and hope he is okay and up and about soon. Lets just hope they take the old f*****s license off him and make him use his f*#@ing bus pass!!!!!!
  2. megawatt

    megawatt World Superbike +

    Nice one Tiny:)
    Tiny likes this.
  3. BlackHornet

    BlackHornet Look before you turn Staff Member Moderator +

    :thumbsdown: hard to believe anyone would still think about driving off these days. well down for stopping and helping out with the man. Hopefully he will make a full recovery.
    Tiny likes this.
  4. Roadwart

    Roadwart Administrator Staff Member Administrator +

    Well done mate. Lets hope Brian isn`t too badly hurt.
    Tiny likes this.
  5. Stars and Stripes

    Stars and Stripes Secret prototype + Site Supporter

    You need to wear a cape "superhero" well done
    Roadwart, deano81 and Tiny like this.
  6. Roadwart

    Roadwart Administrator Staff Member Administrator +

    In Tiny`s case, that`d be a pair of curtains ;)
    deano81, Tiny and hoppielimp like this.
  7. lammyR6

    lammyR6 Moderator Staff Member Moderator + Site Supporter

    Bet for Brian it was a massive help/boost to have you and take the time to help him out and keep him company till the services arrived. Was he badly hurt? Well done for getting partial plate too, the times I have really needed to I haven't managed it. Must improve my observational skills.
    Roadwart and Tiny like this.
  8. Fergy

    Fergy Secret prototype +

    Well done mate :)
    Tiny likes this.
  9. Tiny

    Tiny British Superbike

    I think his foot was pretty crushed, the footpeg was missing and the rear brake lever was pushed into the bike and was in there solid! He went down hard on the kerb and was complaining of pain his shoulder as well. But other than that he was ok, so pleased that the police caught the old boy that done it :eek:)
  10. JimG

    JimG British Superbike +

    As Hancock would say.... "Good Job!"

    However, you have to feel for the poor bloke. First he's knocked off his bike, and just as he recovers enough to look around, he sees Tiny barrelling towards him out of the evening gloom. I'm surprised he didn't have a heart attack :eek:
    _Yappa_, Roadwart, Tiny and 1 other person like this.
  11. Tiny

    Tiny British Superbike

    Cheers Jim lmfao

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