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Idiots rioting

Discussion in 'Main Forum' started by Fergy, Aug 8, 2011.

  1. Sporty1200

    Sporty1200 British Superbike +

    So True... Not only will 'foreign' people do manual work, the last time i visited the General District Hospital or dentist the 'Professional' that my well being was entrusted to was certainly originally from an ethnic backgound. Its about time we dropped the 'foreign' argument.. Wake up UK were not white English we are multi cultural, as we have been since the Vikings and Romans were here... soz for the rant,, just had a strong coffee.. :D
    deano81 and Stamford (Tony) like this.
  2. ramrider

    ramrider Race Rep +

    some pionts i agree on but please do not prase the foreigners
  3. hoppielimp

    hoppielimp Fair Weather Rider +

    I'm a foreigner :devil: I pay taxes, I pay NIC, but I am restricted from receiving benefits and will not be able to claim a pension either ! I also bring foreign income into this country to spend in the local economy, So please do not generalise.
    deano81 and Hanna like this.
  4. deano81

    deano81 Secret prototype +

    I think the key thing to realise that this isnt a question of race or nationality but of mindset. Those who are purely interested in not working for living , scrounging off the state and clearly only interested in getting something for nothing - be it illigal immigrant or "born and bred" english/british, should both be deported imo. and i think oud prob find there would be a greater proportion of british people there. the sad truth is that over the last 10 or so years the values which we grew up with have fizzled out and now a culture of "im entitled to whatever i want, whenever i want,however i want" purvades a large proportion of the populous. These people just arent willing to work hard to get somewhere in life , and no amount of freeing up "british" jobs, community outreach programs because the kids have nothing do but vandalise and be gerenal thugs is ging to change that...
    Stamford (Tony) and GixxerChick like this.
  5. Fergy

    Fergy Secret prototype +

    Why not? Praise should be where it is due.

    If you work hard you should be praised regardless of colour or releigion.

    Do any of you follow sport? I am sure their are black people who wear the england shirt, I am sure there is an asian guy that plays for the england cricket team, or used to. So what do you actually class as a foreigner? Mr Singh down the road who was born in the Uk and holds a UK passport but whos parents were born in India, English or Indian? Mr Smith who was born in India (or anywhere oustide the UK) and holds a UK passport but of english born parents, English or Indian. If anyone says the latter then they are hypocrits!

    It used to be the case that if you worked in this country and paid contributions and then decide to leave and set up a new life eslewhere in the world you could still claim your pension at retirement age! Now there's another debate I think?
    Sporty1200 likes this.
  6. BlackHornet

    BlackHornet Look before you turn Staff Member Moderator +

    how about for every foreign worker we take in we send back one of our lazy chavs :D seams like a good deal for us, as long as they graft and pay taxes then i have more respect for them than i do anyone who just expects to get something for nothing.
    ramrider, Sporty1200 and deano81 like this.
  7. guy

    guy Moped +

    Wish I got £1 every time the word 'robust' has been used by the media, politicians and police...

  8. R1 Chickie

    R1 Chickie Guest

    yeah, Im originally from South Africa too. Ive been here for 18 years and my dad is English/Irish hence the reason I had a passport but when I first turned up here and I was doing all these duff agency jobs like working in warehouses, the one comment the agencies always made is that English people refused to do these jobs for the minimum pay. I think, and I am generalising here, a lot of English people have the attitude of wanting a lot of pay for little work, and they would rather not work than receive a little pay. Thing is as well, is where is the motivation for English people to work when benefits pays them more so another reason foreigners land up filling the gap. I dont come from a country that has a welfare state but has 40% unemployment so you learn very quickly that its work or starve and thats whats missing in this country: the fear!
    deano81, Roadwart, Ducky and 2 others like this.
  9. Ducky

    Ducky Quackers! +

    I know someone who gave his job up as a cabby, cos the benefits he could get meant he was substantially better off not working! :thumbsdown:
  10. ramrider

    ramrider Race Rep +

    so who can blame them? its not my way of life i like to work and pay my way, unfortunaly my conntact with foreigners is never a good one, i accept that there are hard workers and scroungers from all nationalities, i just think if we had been more strict with whom works and lives in england we might have more opportunities
  11. R1 Chickie

    R1 Chickie Guest

    There is an element of this country being too lenient like allowing say Indian restaurants to bring in Indian chefs and waiters from India, there is no rhyme or reason for that!

    RR, Ill be nice to you :)
    ramrider likes this.
  12. Roadwart

    Roadwart Administrator Staff Member Administrator +

    Don`t be too nice to him, he might expect it all the time :D

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