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You lot seen this????

Discussion in 'Main Forum' started by HAYABUSADAVE, Mar 20, 2012.


    HAYABUSADAVE Custom cruiser +

    'Every driving test should include a bike question'
    Bennetts Insurance is petitioning the Government to make a motorcycle-related question part of every driving test - sign the petition here
    Found this on the MCN mailing.......:eek:

    And so they should to........Don't know about 'a bike' question, a lot should suffice, might make the morons that drive think! :thumbsup:

    HAYABUSADAVE Custom cruiser +

    AccessibilityHomeSearch published e-petitions
    Motorcyclists Matter – to ensure that biker related questions are compulsory in the driving theory test

    Responsible department: Department for Transport
    In order to raise awareness of motorcyclists on Britain’s roads, Bennetts, the UK's No.1 Bike Insurance Specialist, is campaigning to ensure biker related questions are made compulsory in the driving theory test – who despite accounting for just 1% of road traffic, fall victim to over a fifth of all fatalities on the roads.
    Did you know that motorists can currently pass without answering a single question relating to bikers? As many as 7,004 bikers and their pillions lost their lives between 1999 and 2010 and the biker casualty rate is currently a staggering 61 times greater than that of motorists. With questions currently selected at random, there is no guarantee that a question relating to the awareness of motorcyclists will arise in the current test format and this petition is set to challenge that.

    Sign this petition
  3. jack_bm

    jack_bm Sport Tourer +

    I done my car theory this Sunday and found there was at least 3 or 4 questions about bikes, over taking them, coming to the scene of a crash etc there still could be more done i think though..
    HAYABUSADAVE and Sporty1200 like this.
  4. Sporty1200

    Sporty1200 British Superbike +

    Re the test, as you say, It is a start. Car drivers need to acknowledge and understand bikes 'appear' quickly and consequently car drivers need extra vigilance and almost a different thought process for bikes than cars, like - dont panic, dont brake, swerve, accelerate, pull out, It is also true bikes appear from now where due to their, err velocity.... Agree certainly more needs to be in the test about bikers and how they are used/abused. :thumbsup:

    ps, my ESCC minibus tester/trainer would use some interesting acronyms during training. He would say, ''look out for Bob'' = ''Boy on Bike''.
    and my fave, ''Look out for Tom'' = ''Tearaway on Motorcycle''.
    I'm pretty sure he didn't mean to but anyone think he was giving an unhelpful or truthful image?

    HAYABUSADAVE and jack_bm like this.
  5. jack_bm

    jack_bm Sport Tourer +

    Yeah its defiantly a start though its just having that better understanding but i think that it is a bit late as the drivers who already have there licenses wont get any benefit from this but couldnt think of anything to make them more aware maybe tv adverts that sort of thing, i like that advert that has those big lights around the bike saying things like 'newly married' and things like that to make you think that its more than just a biker its a person.. and those acronyms are great :giggle:
    HAYABUSADAVE likes this.

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